Artificial Intelligence

Leverage our expertise in Machine Learning, LLMs, and other AI technologies to build robust projects. With an agile approach and the most modern tools, we turn ideas into tangible results.

Empresa especialista em Inteligência Artificial para negócios

We develop Artificial Intelligence solutions using an exclusive framework that integrates all stages of project development, from initial conception to final delivery.

Our focus is on accelerating innovation, providing solutions that not only meet your business's current needs but also prepare companies for the future with a flexible and scalable architecture.

Results of AI in business
  • Productivity, freeing up teams for strategic tasks.
  • Real-time insights for data-driven decisions.
  • Personalized experiences that boost engagement.
  • Simple integration with existing systems.
  • Innovation in solutions that evolve with the market.
Let's talk

artificial intelligence development stages



Define the problem or objective and identify where AI can generate value, aligning with business goals to boost productivity.

Project Kickoff

Project Kickoff

Select services and the best AI models, analyzing the necessary data to ensure technical feasibility.



Develop the solution at scale and integrate it with existing systems, ensuring efficient and aligned operation.



Make continuous adjustments based on new data and technologies, ensuring rapid adaptation while keeping the solution up-to-date and effective.

advantages of developing AI software with ateliware


Solutions with immediate impact, optimizing processes efficiently and opening new opportunities. With real-world cases, businesses are supported in improving productivity, reducing costs, minimizing errors, and preventing fraud through strategically applied AI.


AI solutions are designed to adhere to the strictest data security standards, transparency, and legal compliance (LGPD/GDPR), ensuring the integrity and protection of sensitive business information.


An exclusive method not only covers all project phases but also incorporates design thinking practices and continuous learning, ensuring solutions evolve with the business.


With a diverse portfolio, the team brings a unique combination of technical expertise and market knowledge, essential for implementing AI solutions that truly make a difference.

Our primary languages, frameworks, and platforms

Ruby on RailsRails
React NativeReact Native
Hugging FaceHugging Face

our AI packages for companies

Do you want to know if you have everything you need to gain productivity or solve a problem with artificial intelligence? Or do you already have an idea and want to create an end-to-end MVP? Our packages are specific to achieving results quickly, using our artificial intelligence solution framework.

our badges


what our amazing clients say about us


To us, it wasn’t just another project, but an entire process of change. We developed not only a new technology, but a new mindset. We changed the way we conduct our innovation initiatives and the way we look at our clients. These gains were possible because of the constant knowledge reciprocity we had with ateliware. Nowadays, thanks to this partnership, not only Fael’s technological structure is quite different from what it used to be, but also everything we do is too.

Isis Marcelino | Software Development Director FAEL


"Ateliware’s great triumph is not only their technical quality, but also having a very clear vision of how to start a business with technology. Ateliware’s challenging questions made all the difference and Bcredi’s launch would not be the same without their participation.”

Maria Teresa Fornea | Bcredi's Co-Founder


“I found ateliware to be more than a supplier, ateliware is our partner. The partnership is so profound that ateliware is Pipefy’s co-founder and is responsible for putting the product’s MVP on its feet, allowing us to take higher and higher flights."

Alessio Alionço | Pipefy's Founder & CEO

votorantim - clients

"The challenge of an agile project is to align our daily expectations with the final objective of the project each week or delivery cycle. Ateliware's strength was depth with which they understood the project and the objective of the product, to then be able to suggest the appropriate technical architecture for the development. The experience of creating a product with them has been intense from the point of view of client participation, and innovative in the way of looking at the life cycle of a project".

Irineu Caminho Neto | Loss Prevention Manager at Votorantim S.A.


“Agrofel is now on another level of business continuity, solidity, data security and market differentiation because of the business management solution we implemented. We had high expectations of growth and we were looking for partners who were also growing in technology, so we chose Microsoft and ateliware ”.

Jair Becker | Agrofel’s Director of Information Technology


"We chose ateliware based on it’s high market reference, the visibility we had of the projects they developed and also for being a company known for working on disruptive and innovative solutions. In summary, we had a great cultural fit, which was confirmed throughout the execution of the project"

Rodrigo Fávero | CTO MatrixCargo


To us, it wasn’t just another project, but an entire process of change. We developed not only a new technology, but a new mindset. We changed the way we conduct our innovation initiatives and the way we look at our clients. These gains were possible because of the constant knowledge reciprocity we had with ateliware. Nowadays, thanks to this partnership, not only Fael’s technological structure is quite different from what it used to be, but also everything we do is too.

Isis Marcelino | Software Development Director FAEL


"Ateliware’s great triumph is not only their technical quality, but also having a very clear vision of how to start a business with technology. Ateliware’s challenging questions made all the difference and Bcredi’s launch would not be the same without their participation.”

Maria Teresa Fornea | Bcredi's Co-Founder

let's talk?

We are curious and excited to get to know you and your company better. Tell us about your needs, demands or ideas and we will contact you within one business day.

Let's join forces to transform and innovate in your business. Contact our sales team for a free inquiry with our product development experts about your next challenge.


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We will contact you shortly by e-mail.

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Team augmentation
Team augmentation

Our experience allows us to anticipate problems and ensure that our collaborator is integrated into your project.

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